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How do I sign up to for this study?You can sign up for this study by calling the Project Coordinator, Laurie Martinez, at 845-705-8982 or send an email to
Who is eligible to participate in this study?People who are age 65 years and older and Speak English, Spanish or Creole Lease or own and drive a car Hold a valid driver’s license Able to meet with the team every 3 months for 3 years
What should I expect if I decide to participate?People who are eligible to participate will meet/speak with the Site Coordinator to discuss what participation in the study involves and sign a consent if they agree to participate. The study will employ an in-vehicle sensing system to detect cognitive changes in older adults (e.g., memory, judgement). Study data comes from two sources: interview and testing of the participant and downloading of the data from the sensors installed in the participant’s vehicle (a passenger car or pick-up truck).
Are there any risks to volunteering?The risks involved in participation are no more than the everyday risk of driving. Participants may experience some fatigue or frustration during the cognitive testing and may want to take a break or two. The sensor package to be installed in the participant’s car is designed to be unobtrusive so that it does not interfere with driver concentration. Neither visual nor audible signals will be produced by the sensors.
Why should I participate in this study? Will I get paid?Participants will receive a $25 Publix, Amazon or Wal-Mart gift card at the completion of each visit and $50 at their final visit, a total of $350 in gift cards. You will also receive yearly feedback on your cognitive screening tests. Plus, you will be helping to determine whether this kind of system is an effective tool for detecting early changes in cognition.
How long is this study?The study is three years with a visit every 3-months, for a total of 13 visits.
Where will this study take place?The study will take place on the Davie Campus of FAU and at the Memory Wellness Center on Boca Campus of FAU. Participants can choose the most convenient site, in Davie or Boca Raton.
What are these car sensors all about?The sensor package includes a GPS, on-board diagnostics and unobtrusive cameras. There is no audio recording, the sensors do not record anything said in the car.
How long will my quarterly visits with the research team last?Each visit should take between one to two and a half hours.
Who will be able to see the driving information you gather?All personal or identifiable data will be kept on secured computers and servers and stored in accordance with Florida Atlantic University data security policy. Only study team members and those approved by the FAU IRB will have access to the data. This study has received ethical approval from the Florida Atlantic University institutional review board (IRB).
Will joining the study affect my car insurance or driving license?No. The study has secured a Certificate of Confidentiality from the National Institute of Health that protects the privacy of participants and prohibits disclosure of research data to anyone (law enforcement, insurance companies, department of motor vehicle) not connected to the research study. The recorded data and in-person testing data cannot be disclosed unless the participant authorizes this disclosure.
What happens if I buy or lease a new car during the study period?If you buy or lease a new car during the study period we will ask you to bring your car in so we can remove the sensors. We will ask you to bring your new car in so we can re-install the sensors in your new car.
Can someone else drive my car?Yes. The sensors will be programed to activate only when you are driving.
What are your COVID precautions?The health and safety of our research team members and study participants are very important. As such, we offer several layers of COVID-19 protection approved by FAU’s Environmental Health and Safety Council. COVID-19 training is mandatory for every study team member as well. All participants are offered surgical masks, cloth masks and hand sanitizer before, during, and after testing. All research team members will wear N95 masks and practice hand hygiene before, during, and after testing. Gloves and gowns are available for use if you prefer. EPA approved disinfecting products will be used in your car and on all contact surfaces after testing. Physical distancing will be maintained as much as possible.
Can I say ‘no’ or leave the study if I want to?Yes. Your participation is voluntary, and you can say ‘no’ to any procedure or leave the study at any time. If you do, we will ask for you to please return the sensors.
Who can I contact if I have more questions about the study?Call Laurie Martinez at 845-705-8982 or email

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